Computing - Motherboard & Desktop Computing
Data Spotlight: The Taiwanese Desktop PC Industry, 3Q 2008
August 01, 2008 / Gina Wang
10 Page, Statistics Report


In the second quarter of 2008 Taiwanese desktop PC shipment volume benefited from the fact that brand-name vendors' channel strategy adjustments were effective and the increasing outsourcing share of full-system products. These factors caused the Taiwanese desktop PC industry's shipment volume share of total global shipment to increase. However, the industry was impacted by global inflation and the narrowing gap between notebook PC and desktop PCs' price/performance ratios. Also, desktop PC procurement in emerging markets such as the BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, China) countries and the Middle East slowed down compared to the same period in 2007. Therefore, the contribution provided by emerging markets to global desktop PC demand did not meet expectations.
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